Monday, March 28, 2011

Update on what's going on

Well guys, I know it's been a while since we have streamed or wrote a blog, but it's that time of year for us college students. We are at that point where we have at least an exam a week and a ton of essays that we have to turn in and work our procrastinating asses off for.

We hope to start streaming again and we still have a hope of buying a capture card so that we can have a better quality picture so we will keep you guys updated on that.

Hopefully once all this is over (or maybe once this school year is over in like 5 weeks) we will be able to have a more scheduled stream. Neon and I have already talked about setting up a stream schedule so that you all know when we plan on streaming and then doing a more constant consistent updates on both this blog and our new one:

So be sure to check out the new one. If I find some free time that I feel I need to talk about something related to life I will be posting over in the new TenFox Productions blog as it doesn't relate to Monster Hunter Tri, but most things Tri related will be posted here.

Be sure again, to check out the new blog, especially the post about Monster Hunter Frontier.

See you guys soon,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monster Hunte Tri - The MMO Part 4: The Warrior

The Warrior is designed to do damage, and do it well. He will be maintaining constant damage at all times on the monster while the others do their jobs. If all works correctly The Warrior should have no problem taking out a monster and not getting hit by any major attacks. Let's dive right in:

Weapon: Anguish(P)
Slot: Handicraft Jewel

Helm: Vangis Helm
Slot: None

Mail: Vangis Mail
Slot: None

Arms: Barroth Vambraces+
Slot: Onslaught Jewel

Waist: Helios Coil+
Slot: Architect Jewel

Legs: Black Leather Pants
Slot: None

Charm: Attack +7 OO
Slot: Attack Jewel, Handicraft Jewel

Attack Up (L)
Sharpness +1
Adrenaline +2

So pretty much, you're going to want to get to under 40% health ASAP and you will have a massive damage boost. The Warrior is supposed to find the fastest way to get under 40% health (bombs are a good option) and then get in there and destroy the monster as fast as he can.

Mega Demondrug
Might Pill
Might Seed
Power Talon
Armor Talon

When you get into the round you are going to want to eat all the power items that you have (Mega Demondrug, Might Pill and then Might Seed) to give you another large boost onto your attack. Once you get into the grove of hitting a non-moving monster with extreme power it should be easy to kill anything.

Well that concludes all the armor sets of the 4 members of your MMO party. If you would like to participate in the ordeal of actually putting this idea into motion please email us at or just tweet at us.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monster Hunte Tri - The MMO Part 3: The Mage

So part three of our MMO set is a classic. What else do you need in a classic MMO party other than a Tank, and a Rogue/Hunter? You need somebody that will put some status ailment on the monster while keeping your party alive. That's where The Mage comes into play. Essentially he is a sort of status gunner with an added effect of having the ability to keep your team alive if they get hit by foot damage or the off chance that they get hit by something. Let's get this started:

Weapon: Thundacrus Rex Frame/Jhen Barrel/Chaos Wing Stock
Slot: None

Helm: Barrage Earring
Slot: None

Chest: Ingot Vest+
Slot: Quickload Jewel

Arms: Ingot Guards+
Slot: FlinchFree Jewel

Waist: Ingot Coat+
Slot: Alliance Jewel

Legs: Ingot Leggings+
Slot: Friendship Jewel

Charm: Wide-Range +5, +10 SpeedSetup

Load Up
Recoil Down +2
Wide-Range +1
Trap Master

So like all the sets in this series we run into the problem of, "what the fuck is up with these charms? How am I gonna get this?" Well that's all up to you I suppose, but the Wide-Range is probably the better of the 2 skills to have as The Hunter has SpeedSetup as well.

So what exactly do you do with this set? This set is used to do exactly what you think a Mage should do. Immobilize a monster and make it easier for the rest of the group to do damage to him. This is done through the amazing powers of both sleep and paralysis and that's what you will be doing.

The other part of this set that is essential to this team succeeding is healing. You may be wondering why the world would I only use Wide Range +1 when I could possible use +2? The reason for this is, as you will find out in the next blog, The Warrior will be a DPS Adren runner and you don't want your gunner healing him out of Adrenaline every time he heals. The main reason that The Mage will be healing is to heal the adren runner out of simple foot damages or small things that take him down into dangerous levels. You want to be able to heal him but you want him to keep his Adren boost and you can do that by just healing with herbs that you will be carrying.

Mega Potions
Life Powder
Sleep Shots
Para Shots
Well-Done Steak
Armor Horn
Power Horn?
Healing Horn

So that's pretty much all I have for The Mage, there isn't too much to him but he is, as all the others are, a part of this team that you must have.

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Real Blog

So guys, I know I haven't made a blog in the past 2 days but seriously I am unable to right now. I am overworked and just tired of it, my brain needs a rest. I have research papers all due within about a month, and some sooner, that I have been trying to work on on top of all the other homework that I have. For some reason Neon doesn't do anything and has nothing to do and will end up getting a better GPA this semester than I will.
That's what I get for being a Double Major in Philosophy and Psychology and then minoring in Music as well. FML.
Well hopefully it's worth it in the end; but for right now I might tone down the amount of blogging I do on here, mainly because I'm busy and could be putting the effort that I use in this into working on my papers. I hope you all keep up with us in the stream still, as I'm sure Neon will be wanting to do that some. I think we are going to stream tonight whenever the hell Jhen gets here. Seriously, where the fuck is that bastard?

But stayed tuned until tomorrow to see part 3 of the MMO set.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Monster Hunter Tri - The MMO - A brief explanation

Sorry about the double blog today guys, but I just wanted to say this really quick:

So I know that a lot of people that are kind of disregarding this idea as something stupid because it isn't using End Game Gear and using the best of the best.
Ask yourself though: What is Monster Hunter about? Monster Hunter is essentially just killing Monsters, over and over, to get supplies to build armor and weapons. Well if you only aim for the best gear, what do you do after you have all of that? You have some fun and try other things out KNOWING that everything else isn't going to be labeled 'the best' but it's something that you want to do. That's what this idea is all about.

Everybody knows what happens when you get a Status Gunner and 3 Adrenaline +2 Ala Gleam's on any monster. It dies, quickly. But what happens when you get a group of 4 people together who are using skills and armor sets in a MMO fashion? That's what we are kind of trying to find out.

Monster Hunter Tri - The MMO - Part 2: The Hunter

So party member number 2 is a sort of a rogue class character that can be an asset to your team. This person will be a consistent damage adding up in time kind of character but extremely helpful none the less and definitely when it comes to capping monsters and doing it fast. Think of it this way: If you have a tank that is completely distracting the monster, what do you want behind the monster? You want somebody hitting it, hitting it a lot, and capping as soon as it's ready to cap to make runs go fast. That's were The Hunter comes in.

Weapon: Whatever is the monsters weakest element. You are going to be an SnS user dealing damage to the monster purely based on element. It's a good way for many monsters to get rid of certain things. (Barroth's armor, Barioth's wings, etc.)

Helm: Helios Helm+
Slot: Silencer Jewel

Mail: Helios Mail+
Slot: None

Arms: Helios Vambraces+
Slot: None

Waist: Helios Coil+
Slot: TrapMaster Jewel, TrapMaster Jewel, TrapMaster Jewel

Legs: Vangis Greaves
Slot: Trap Master Jewel, TrapMaster Jewel, Asylum Jewel

Charm: Perception +10 OO
Slot: Handicraft Jewel, Handicraft Jewel

Odd set huh? Perfect for what we want to do though.

HG Earplugs
Sharpness +1
Trap Master
Capture Guru

Now I know pretty much all of these skills are kind of odd for an armor set, especially with an SnS user, but they all have their uses. The earplug are kind of self explanatory, as an SnS user it will allow a lots more hits and makes it so you don't have to guard against roars and fly backwards because of it. Trap Master and Cap Guru make you pro at finishing off the monster as soon as it's health is low enough. And finally, Sharpness +1. Yes, we realize that with SnS there are maybe 2-3 weapons that it actually adds a level of sharpness to, but it's not to add damage based on attack, because as an SnS user attack isn't really as necessary as elemental damage. The sharpness +1 is to give that extra boost of that level of sharpness reducing the amount of times that you need to sharpen during a round and making it so that you can attack more without being deflected. Yes; it is true that Razor Sharp would make more sense as it would probably work better but because of how this set was built to have the other skills (HG Earplugs mainly) Sharpness +1 was built into and easy to get. To the inventory!

Combo books 1-5
Mega Potions
Well-Done Steak
Pitfall Trap
Shock Trap
Trap Tools
(Support for Gunner items; AKA any Shot Materials for him)

Also, keep in mind that this isn't ALL that you should bring for any of these sets. You have the freedom to add and remove items as you see fit, these are just small recommendations. As for the gunner materials, these are recommended to be held by The Hunter because the other 2 are going to be constantly busy and The Hunter is the one that will be the fastest to react and the best choice for this. You'll find out what exactly you need when The Gunner character is posted, but for now just realize that you need probably 3-5 slots for his materials.

As The Hunter your job is simple, do lots of damage, really fast, and cap the monster as soon as it's ready to cap. Occasionally run away from the monster and deliver supplies to the gunner which should be very simple (assuming The Tank is doing his job correctly.)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Monster Hunter Tri - The MMO - Part 1: The Tank

So have you ever been playing Monster Hunter and thought, "Man I wish this game was more like an MMO?" No? Well neither have I, but Neon was bored last night and part of today and decided that she doesn't give a shit and that she wanted to make a team of players that was based on this thought. So, what does a good MMO team consist of? Well obviously you need a tank, lets start there:
(Disclaimer: This is not a serious 'High Tier' elitest set. This is a set for something to do when you have everything and for the pure enjoyment of trying something new in Monster Hunter. I am sorry if you do not have an open mind about that, you can leave now and save yourself some time. But just like speed runs, naked runs, etc. this is something you can do in your spare time for pure enjoyment.)

Well let's see, in Monster Hunter what are the kind of skills that you would like to have if you were trying to take all the damage off your team? Well obviously you need some sort of Defense boost; so why not just aim for AuL? What else? Well if I were a tank I would like to just NOT take damage if I could avoid it. In Monster Hunter that's kind of hard to do, unless of course you Evade or Guard. Evasion is good and all, and arguably better over guard (if you know what you are doing with it), but Neon and I both think that Guard is better for this set. There are a few reasons why; first, you're going to want to use a lance for this set, why? Because you can get a lance with Def+ and because your damage doesn't mean the most to this group it doesn't matter that those lances aren't the best. Another reason, counters. If you are the one is going to be taking all the punches from the monsters you are going to need to be able to counter if you want to be useful. So now I know you're thinking, "well how are they going to keep the monster from attacking other players and staying on them?" That's where taunt comes in. Done and done. Lets take a look at the armor set.

Weapon: Elder Babelspear
Slot: Iron Wall Jewel
Comments: +24 defense and 2 slots? Do I need to explain?

Head: Uragaan Helm+
Slot: Defense Jewel

Chest: Agnaktor Mail+
Slot: Defense Jewel

Arms: Uragaan Vambraces+
Slot: Iron Wall Jewel, Defense Jewel

Waist: Uragaan Faulds+
Slot: Stone Wall Jewel

Legs: Uragaan Greaves+
Slot: Turtle Jewel, Defense Jewel

Charm: Guard +4, Sense -10
Comments: Well I know this seems in the scales of Godly improbable, but I'm sure if you are charm farming enough you will run into something like this at some point. It's a nice way to take a horrible seeming charm and turning it into something useful.

So in case you haven't figured it out the skills that this set gives you are:
Defense Up (L)
Guard +2

And you're probably wondering how that will look; check it out:

Very Morrowind looking to me, I like it.

Time for some Calculations:
5 Pieces of Armor with 78 Max defense = 390 Defense
+24 from the Lance = 414
The formula for DuL is 10 + (DEF x .1) so; 10 + (414 x .1) = 465.4 Defense (Raw).

Well now, that's a lot of defense, around 45.4 Defense more than Alatreon (the highest Defense Armor) and So gear up and start taking some hits! Again, I know what you're thinking, "but Tenelen! You could get way more Defense if you used Items too!" Well isn't that a great idea! Why don't we just set up the inventory for this character as well.

Mega Potions
Mega Dash Juice
Mega Armorskin
Adament Seeds
Adament Pills
Might Seeds
Might Pills
Dung Bombs

Optional (depending on the quest)
Some Combo Books
Shock Trap
Pit Fall Trap

A quick run down of the inventory items goes like this:
Obviously you are going to need potions, in case you do hit (hopefully you don't).
The Mega Dash Juices are essential, because that way you don't lose any stamina during the high amount of guarding you will be doing.
Tranqs for support capping, dung bombs for keeping only 1 monster in the zone at a time of in case you get pinned. The optional shouldn't be needed other than maybe traps, but if you get a team with the other 3 sets of gear we have prepared you won't have to worry about it.
(Note: Bring Max of all listed items.)
Wow! That's a lot of Armor items. Should we do some math again?

More Calculations: (Edit: After finally trying it, the numbers are easy)
Boosts from;
Mega Armorskin: +15 Defense
Adament Pill: +15 Defense
Adament Seed: 3 Min Pill extension (if taken after)

Total Defense: 495.4

Well now that we know when you get hit with pretty much any attack you will laugh at the monster and continue on you better get to farming some supplies.

Stay tuned for the next few days to see all the other "Characters" that we have created and how they will ban together to form an amazing, and fun, team of Monster Hunters! We'll even give you a guide on how to use them and maybe even some video demonstrations.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Guide to Subquests - Helpful Tips #1

Subquests are something that I believe are overlooked in Monster Hunter Tri. As a new feature to the game not many people have realized the full potential that they have for us.

Think about this:
Have you ever been trying to get some Lagiacrus horns but are you are just completely tired of fighting him over and over? Well try this one out.
Instead of capping or killing or doing whatever you were doing, post the Low Rank Lagicrus Cap quest in the Flooded Forest and get a team of Fire Elemental weapons that are ready to go horn farming.
Make sure that either 1 person stays at camp, or somebody brings a Farcaster so that you can make this go a lot faster.
Start the quest and everybody take the short cut to Lagi and go ONLY for his head. Do not break anything else, and try not to hit anything else. As soon as his horns are broke and the subquest done you can end the quest via subquest and have a much larger percentage (from my experience) in getting a horn.

Be sure to try this with Barioth Claws, and I'm sure there are many more. Mess around and see what you can figure out.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Armor set of the day - Status Gunning

So I know many of you know Sedition and not many of you have seen him play, but when it comes to Status gunning, the guy knows what he is doing. We have done many a run in an insane amount of time because of him Status Gunning and now you have the gear to do it as well. Keep in mind though, just because you have this set doesn't mean you have the skill; you'll have to figure out how to use it properly yourself.

Thundacrus Rex Frame/Jhen Barrel/Chaos Wing Stock
Slot: Bombardier Jewel

Head: Barrage Piercing
Slot: None

Chest: Ingot+ Chest
Slot: Bombardier Jewel

Arms: Ingot Guards
Slot: Bombardier Jewel

Waist: Ingot+ Coat+
Slot: Lightfoot Jewel, Lightfoot Jewel Bombardier Jewel,

Legs: Ingot+ Leggings
Slot: Bombardier Jewel

Charm : Evade+7, Speed Setup + 10.

Load Up, Recoil Down+2, Evade+1, Trapmaster, Bombardier.

Loads, 5 para 2, 4 sleep 2, assortment of pierce/elemental averaging at 4 per clip and 5 dragon shots. Loads exhaust shots as well for KO's as there should be no hammers in status gun runs.

The charm is next to impossible to get but the set itself is easy enough to make with just evasion or trapmaster, depending on what charm you can get.

Since it's used mainly for "speed-runs", evasion isn't too useful as the monster really shouldn't be moving and trapmaster is amazing for para-bombing.

Thank you Sedition for letting us know your armor set.

How to Guide - Lance

Here is a quick treat for you guys.

I made this up today, hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

TenFox Productions Monster Hunter Forum

So guys, we finally are done with our project. Our Monster Hunter Forum is officially up and ready for people to post in. Check it out and be sure to give us any feedback at all. Be sure to register and tell everybody you can that plays monster hunter. Lets build a community of players helping each other out.

Visit our Forum!
TenFoxProductions Monster Hunter Forum

Monday, March 14, 2011

Plan for the new Capture Card

So today is a rare day, we are having a double blog today. I just wanted to kind of give everybody an update of what is going on right now in the terms of higher quality streaming.
We are working on getting a new Capture Card, I'm still looking around to find one that is a reasonable price and has good streaming quality but I know we are going to have to spend at least $100. The problem we run into is that we don't really have $100+ to spend on a capture card right now so we figured, why not ask the viewers if they would like to help?
So right now I plan on getting my desktop fixed up and possibly getting an actual internal card and dedicating my desktop for streaming only instead of trying out another external card.

So please feel free to help us out in any way, and if you have any recommendations for a new graphics card email

Kicking Great Jaggi Run - Project Research #2 - Damage

So today I've decided to go back to do some more research on the Great Jaggi kick run. I've decided to see if it was even possible to do this online in the amount of time that we have. So here is what I have come up with using what I had available to me and estimating a little bit. If somebody actually wants to check the exact time of a kick that would make this more precise, but I want to make sure it's even feasible so for now I am going to over estimate.
Here we go:

Great Jaggi Online: 2000 HP
     From what I've found online Great Jaggi has 2000 HP when online in the earliest quest you fight him with, so that will be our quest we will do.

Kick: 1-3 Damage
     There really isn't much previous research on this, maybe I'll right an FAQ on it when/if this works and tell people more about kicking. But for right now I'm still under the assumption that a kick does 1 damage, and is only affected by Affinity and (hopefully) Adrenaline +2. If anybody can confirm or deny this fact that would be great. I'm starting to wonder if either of those matter, because I would assuming anything that gives you an attack boost is irrelevant to the amount of kick damage you do as your attack power means nothing to kicks. 

Kicks till death: 667-2000 kicks
      Well since I've came across that thought I am going to calculate for right now that we are going to do 1 damage per kick minimum, so that's a 2000 kick max. If we can manage to do more damage than 1 that's awesome.

Number of People: 4
    Leading to;
Kicks per Person: 220-500
      Awesome, that's not too high. Actually that's insane. I couldn't imagine doing 500 kicks to a Great Jaggi, but god damnit we can try.

Time per kick: ~3 seconds
    A high end estimate.

Estimated Run Time of Quest: 1500-2000 seconds maximum with just kick time, this doesn't include running around time and getting hit and all that good stuff. Which means that it would take us a max of 33 minutes if we ONLY kicked and never missed, never got hit, and never ran around looking for him. That leaves 17 minutes of doing all that, which seems like it might be possible.

We'll see how this goes....I still need a full team for it, but maybe over the summer when people have time we can finally get this going.

As for supplies, Rage Match is coming up later this week and I'll finally be able to get my Black Leather Pants. Make sure to tune in to see that, I'll probably record some videos of that and we will for sure have a live video stream for that because it should be a ton of fun.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Monster Hunter Cocktail Party

As the stream requested the other night and as we went on and on about, here is the official list of the items for the Monster Hunter Cocktail Party.  Stay tuned to see how we go about making all of these items, we have many many ideas set up and plan on working on them when we have time.


Rathalos "Neva Gonna Come Down" Brew

Great Baggi Blue Snooze

Agnaktor Hyper Beam

Alatreon Black Out


Aptanoth Salad

Ludroth Sponge Cake:

Quropeco Hot Wings

Rathian Ruby Chocolate

Barioth Amber Tusksicles

Gigginox Creme Brulee

Lagiacrus Shocking Pasta

Uragaan Exploding Rocks

Burrowing Diablos:

Deviljho Dragon Breath Steak

Ceadeus Filet

Fatty Jhen's Bread Pudding


Great Jaggi King's Frill Napkins:

Barroth Head Chips 'n' Dip:

Gobul Latern Pinata

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blog of the Day

So I know a few of you tuned in last night to our live stream and found out that we had an Audio only stream last night. Well we managed to get our cap card and the chords that we needed but ran into the problem that the video that it picked up was amazing, but the stream was about 1/5 of the amount of frames. For those who don't know what that means, it was laggy as all can be.

So we are going to try to mess around with it some more but if worse comes to worse we might have to get a new one.

Our plan for the night is that we have a school related thing that we have to attend and then we are going over to my friends new house (just moved in today) and we are going to have a little house warming thing there for the night so there won't be a stream tonight. Sorry guys, but I hope everybody is having a great weekend and definitely stick in for tomorrow's blog. It's going to be awesome.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog of the Day

Hey guys, sorry I don't have a huge blog right now but I wanted to say a few things to keep in the groove of posting daily.
We have our Capture Card, it is in our possession right now, we are stopping at Best Buy in a few hours to get the chords that we need and will be back online by around 7-8PM EST. Be sure to tune into the stream tonight to see our better picture and there is even rumor that the deadly Trio of Sedition, Alz, and Tyler are all going to be online tonight so there may be some epic hunting going down.

On another note though, Neon has decided that she would like to start to draw and wants your ideas on a monster to draw. So here's what we need  you guys to do; in the comment section below we want you to tell her what kind of monster to draw, elsewhere on the blog you will find a poll to decide what mood you want that monster to be in. Whatever monster has the most comments and whatever mood has the most votes will be draw and added in a later blog.

So get to voting!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Armor Set of the Day - Sword and Shield Users

Here is a first in a new series that I am going to start that I like to call Armor Set of the day. Our first ASotD is featured for two reasons; 1 because I think it's an amazing set, and 2 because it will be perfect for Neon as a goal for a new armor set for her Sword and Shield.
Let's get started.

Weapon: Anything 1 slotted.
     Slotted: Handicraft +1 O

Helm: Helios Helm+
     Slotted: Elemental Attack +4 OO

Mail: Helios Mail+
     No Slot

Arms: Lagicrus Vambraces
     Slotted: Evasion +3 OO

Waist: Helios Coil+
     Slotted: Elemental +4 OOO

Legs: Uragaan Greaves
     No Slot

Charm: +7 Evasion O
     Slotted: Handicraft +1 O

Sharpness +1
Elemental Attack Up
Evasion +1

This set is amazing, absolutely awesome, for anybody who is a SnS user and possibly even for Lancers. I would use this set for SnS personally because I like Guard over Evasion for Lancing.
The only problem that I see is that having an Evasion +7 O Charm is kind of hard to get. You can get rid of that and sub in something else and still have the 2 skills though and have this be a decent set. 

Supplies needed:

Ceadeus Scale x4
Sunspire Jewel x2
Shell Shocker+ x16
Lazurite Jewel x8
Barioth Pelt+ x3
Lagiacrus Horn+ x3
Crooked Horn x2
Deep Dragongem x1
Conqueror's Seal x6
Lagiacrus Hide+ x15
Ceadeus Fur x3
Mohran Scale+ x5
Lagiacrus Claw x2
Lagiacrus Hide x2
Lagiacrus Scale x4
Dragonite Ore x2
Ceadeus Tail x2
Earth Dragongem x1
Uragaan Marrow x1
Uragaan Scale x5
Uragaan Shell x4
Monster Bone L x3

Good luck with getting this one, I know I'll be trying to work for it and Neon will as well so if you want to join us in getting any of the materials feel free to check the stream or email us at

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kicking Great Jaggi Run - Project Research #1 - The Armor

About a week or so ago it was proposed as a joke that we needed to have a low rank Great Jaggi run using only kicks. Well I thought about it for a while and decided that, it's probably possible, and I want to try it out. After looking around and talking on the stream for a while we decided that the best set would be to have a lot of Affinity and of course Adrenaline +2.
I took this to heart of course, and set out to find a set of armor that would be perfect for this. It's going to take a lot of work, but here is what I came up with:

Weapon: Sabertooth (G)
     An obvious choice for this set; the weapon itself doesn't matter, all that matters is that it has 2 slots and 55% affinity already making it the best possible weapon for a kick run.

Helm: Skull Mask
     The Torso Up comes in handy because your chest is going to be a key component to this set and you obviously want to double the stats if you can.

Chest: Alloy Mail+
    2 Slotted Armor with Expert +3? I think so. Slot this with a double slotted Expert +3 and with the Skull Mask you have +9 expert with only a -5 to Potential (Adrenaline).

Arms: Chakra Bracelet
     On the arms I tried to figure out where to go. I was originally going to do Barroth Vambraces+ but when I looked at the stats I found out that it has only +2 Potential and -3 Expert. I thought, "why would I cancel that much Expert out for only 2 Potential." So I decided to just give myself 3 more slots and slot it with 1 Expert +1 Gem.

Waist: Alloy Faulds+
     2 Slots on Alloy+ again. Not much more to say; throw in an Expert +3 Double Slot Gem and you're done.

Legs: Black Leather Pants:
     Here comes the hard part. I have to do Double Jho Rage Match to get these suckers. But when they give me +13 Expert I HAVE to have these.

So in the end you still have a charm slot completely open and 4 slots between the weapon that we didn't put anything in and 2 spots on the Chakra open with the skills of Adrenaline +2 and Critical Eye +2 giving you 75% affinity and a 30% damage boost when health is below 40% which isn't a problem for a low rank Great Jaggi; just have to bring some bombs to hurt myself with. There is no reason that this set wouldn't be able to do at least 2-3 damage per kick. This set is exactly what is needed for the Great Jaggi Kick Run. If you have an ideas for what to do with the 4 slots and the charm though, please let me know.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Naked Sleep Bombing - Run 1

        So there we all were sitting around in the stream the other night when I was growing bored of fighting Jho and Ala and whatnot. I decided to through on my full Agna+ armor and my Agna lance and tell Senzeki to grab some stuff as well, we were going to go fight a Low Rank Great Jaggi. We get in and Sedition (one of the viewers) tells us to only use Lance Charge for attacking and we do. It was pretty fun and we destroyed the Great Jaggi of course, but I wanted to amp up the fun a little more. That's when this happened:

     That's when I decided to start this new project idea that I had in mind. I want to see how far we can get as a group of four people doing naked sleep bombing runs. The ultimate goal of this project would be to get 4 people together with nothing but a bow gun equipped and slay as many monsters as we can in order of difficulty. This is going to take some intense practice and of course patience but it will be extremely entertaining and some serious fun.
     The basics that need to be set up right now are few but troubling. Obviously, I need a group of 3 other people to stick with this and do it when we have the time. I'm pretty sure Senzeki is cool with doing some more of the runs with me, but I'm going to need 2 more. If you are interested in helping me out with this my little project please send an email to: and let me know.
     The next thing that's going to be a problem is we are going to need Scatterfish, Fire Herbs, and Nitroshrooms. And a whole lot of them. I plan to just farm like crazy offline when I get a chance so I hope that the others that wish to join me can as well or if need be I can trade them some of the stuff we'll need.
     That's all for now though, later research and greater problems will emerge and we will figure them out then. For now, be sure to check back here, the twitter, our YouTube and of course the stream, all of which have links at the bottom of the page.
